Why Watering a Traditional Grass Lawn is Costing You

The Price of Having A Traditional Grass Lawn
Have you found yourself searching for ways to save money as inflation drives up the cost of everything? Seriously—everything is becoming more expensive. And while many of us are enjoying a momentary dip in gasoline prices, very few other items have decreased. That includes utilities.
In the south and southwestern portions of the US, where drought conditions have worsened year over year, rising water rates and fees in the foreseeable future are inevitable. And guess what? Much of our water use is due to outdoor use. Keeping those Kentucky bluegrass lawns green and healthy requires regular watering. And don’t forget the added costs of products and activities to maintain traditional lawns, like mowing, fertilizing weeding and other treatments.
Calculate how much water you use to irrigate your lawn?
Consider this: it takes slightly over half a gallon—0.623 gallons— per square foot to provide your lawn with one inch of water. Now measure the length and width of your yard in feet, and multiply those numbers by each other. Take that number and multiply it by 0.623 and you’ll have the number of gallons used. Now you can look up your municipality’s water rates to find out how much it costs each time you water your lawn, right? Nope.
In most cities, you’re also responsible for sewage/runoff water costs. Look up the cost per every 1,000 gallons for sewer/runoff in your area. Yep, you pay for that too. And it adds up every month.
Why Should You Consider Switching From a Traditional Grass Lawn
Water management cost is just one reason why it just makes sense to consider a more water-wise landscape for your home. I know, not everyone lives in a drought-stricken area. “This doesn’t really apply to me,” some will say. But honestly, it does.
No matter where you live, you will save money over the long haul by making the effort to replace at least part of your yard with drought resistant plants and shrubs.
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